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星期五, 19 April 2024


早在 1999 年(与 Moffatts 的兄弟们一起),我们曾在台湾的一个音乐厅举办过一场售罄的演出。那是一个非常棒的经历。 台湾人民非常有礼貌和友善,他们是我们伟大的歌迷。

台北是一座令人难以置信的城市,点心肯定是世界上最美味、最好吃的食物 🙏🏼🙏🏼

25 年后的今天,我们迫不及待地期待在 4 月 19 日晚上 7:30 在 ZEPP New Taipei 再次举办音乐会,重温那些令人惊叹的 Moffatts 回忆,并与台湾歌迷分享我们的音乐和新的 Music Travel Love 的歌声。

此外,我们将在台湾美丽的乡村逗留期间拍摄我们的 MTL 专题视频,并期待与台湾一位不可思议的超级巨星艺术家进行合作!

这是 1999 年Moffatts演唱会中的其中一首歌曲 - 感谢台湾🙏🏼🙏🏼期待在 4 月 19 日见到你们。

Back in 1999 (along with our brothers in The Moffatts) we video recorded our sold out show at a concert hall in Taiwan.

What a great experience. The people of Taiwan were so polite and kind and they are such great music fans.

Taipei is such an incredible city and the Din Sum is for sure some of the most delicious and best in the entire world 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Now 25 years later we are looking to return for another concert on April 19th at the _concert hall name_ at 7:30pm in hopes of reliving those amazing Moffatt memories and to share our new music and our new Music Travel Love sound with Taiwanese music fans.

In addition we will be filming one of our feature MTL videos during our stay in the beautiful country side of Taiwan and hopefully performing a collaboration with one of Taiwan’s incredible  superstar artists!

Here is one of the songs from that Moffatt concert back in 1999 - thank you Taiwan 🙏🏼🙏🏼 looking forward to seeing you all on April 19th.

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